2021 A Year In Review

Well, Well, Well…… What a year!

Started taking online college classes in the summer and I must say it has been very interesting in a good way. Celebrated mom’s birthday in Atlantic City and had a great time. First time ever being a solo dolo driver. Made it my business to stop every 2-3 hours to pee and stretch haha. The trip overall was awesome. Met up with family in Philly as well. The summer was alright, got a chance to actually leave the state in the midst of a pandemic. Youngest kid moved out of state and sadness is an understatement of how I feel right now. Thank God for facetime! Schools decided to let the masked children back in during the start of summer/fall classes as well. Fast forward to Christmas break…kids are back online due to the surge of the omnicron variant and it will be evaluated after MLK day in 2022. My houshold got sick several days before Christmas and had to stay away from folks which lasted good into the New Year. That part sucked so bad I swear. So that was my year in review for 2021. Oh yeah website is still up and running even though it has been 3 years and no business yet. ( Inserts sadface ).


When you are a loner

Do you feel like you are all alone?

Nobody to talk to when you need to talk about life.

Feeling like you are there for everyone but nobody is there for you.

You are not alone. I have felt this for sometime now and guess what, I’m ready to talk and listen to whatever it is that you want to discuss.

We all need to feel like we have someone on our side.

Someone to be a cheerleader and a good ear.

This is a no judgement zone here and also my facebook group called Universal Conversations.

Feel free to comment and connect here or on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1333272477021576/?ref=share

It is 2021 and we need to start having like minded people in our lives that listen and just be there.

Remember All Things Love and Love Is Key.


When I look at this picture, it makes me stop and think, breath and smile all at once. Little things like this makes me appreciate the simple things in life. Recharge and refuel for whatever is lurking ahead.


My New Addiction

I can’t seem to get enough of this Temu. Idk what it is, but I tell you what, Christmas shopping is almost complete. tac09617 https://temu.to/m/ua0gwgja23s

Holiday Blahs

Almost this time every year, something comes over me like a blanket of different emotions that I have to tackle and I never know why. Part of me likes to think that everything will be ok, don’t worry about it. This is what I tend to tell myself when the feelings hit hard. Then I start to ask myself ” Do I act like everythings ok? Can they tell I’m not mentally here this season? Is all of this because of the automobile accident I had in the wintertime years ago? I tell you when you have something like that happen to you at a time when you just knew you were invincible, really changes things inside you… forever. I can also say this as a testmony of my truth. As for this holiday season, I’m going to try and change my attitude of the past and rejoice in the now.


New Endeavor

New things coming….Well it isn’t new. It is something that needs to be completed and now is the time.

I’m going to start again and receive my degree in something. This will be my 2nd or 3rd time attempting to complete whatever it was that I started.

Come on, I was married, a mom with little children and practically no support system at all. Needless to say college took a major backseat to any and everything.

Nursing and Psychology never stood a chance at being completed with the way things were in my house. I can laugh now but just know I cried yesterday thinking about the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s of my earlier life.

Sure I took a couple of certificate classes, but nothing like a Bachelor or Masters up under your belt.

Look out Health Information Management I’m coming!

Wish me luck!

Anything and Everything

Hello All, first let me introduce myself.

My name is Monique and I am a mother of 2 and grandmother of 3.

I wanted to start a hobby at first lol and then it turned out to be a part time job, that I very much enjoy.

This website was a labor of love, hard work, and dedication.

Now let me tell you a little bit about the products this website has.

It has beaded bracelets, oils, bodycare, coffee, teas, stones, incense, clothing, and make up to say the least.

I call this shop THE FEEL GOOD SHOP because everything is designed to make you feel good and positive about yourself.

We all need a little pick me up sometimes to get back on track.

Here is a link to check it out. Anythingandeverything-online.myshopify.com

Thanks so much and please take a look and feel free to leave comments and suggestions.

Free Shipping on all items.

Why do strangers support more than family and friends

I’ve come to the realization that strangers will support anything a person is trying to do as long as its positive.

You start a business and let friends and family know about it and crickets. Never ask you about it or buy anything.

Now a stranger will like the product or whatever it is that you are doing and will be genuinely happy for you. It boggles my mind.

So I ask all of you who happen to read this post….please support and follow. I will definitely follow back.

Please share this website…it only takes a second. Thanks and Happy Holidays.

Help a small business out 🥰

September 1

Today is really calm compared to these past 5 months or so. Fall crisp air is definitely on its way and I welcome it.

Maybe folks can somewhat be able to clear their minds and have some kind of focus just to get through the rest of this year.

With this election upon us, we all need some sort of normalcy in the mix, but there isn’t any right now and we don’t know when it will return.

All I can say is research your candidates in depth, remind yourself which candidates were there for the people throughout this pandemic and which were not.

Seats are definitely up for grabs and we need those seats to go to someone who is for the PEOPLE.

With that being said, time to take a deep breath and start that next chapter for the rest of your life.

Time to begin